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Tourists saw the Tigress and her cubs.

    Sawai Madhopur| Ranthambore ,Tourists saw Tigress with Cubs The national park is one of the best tiger reserves in the country, the biggest reason for which tourists visiting Ranthambore are easily tiger-sighting. Tourists coming to Ranthambore get thrilled by the Tiger Sighting happening here. One such sight was seen on Tuesday in zone number 10 of Ranthambore. Tourists who visited the park were thrilled to see the tigress T-99 and her cubs in zone number 10.

    tigress with cubs drinking water

    Tourists who went for forest excursions saw tigress T-99 and her cubs in zone number 10 of Ranthambore and captured their antics in their cameras. Zone 10 Tourists spotted the tigress and its cubs at the water pond near the entry gate.
    The territory of Tigress T-99 is in zone ten of Ranthambore. Tigress T-99 first time 8 months
    First became a mother. At present the tigress is roaming with her cubs. Tigress T-99 has seen one female cub and two male cubs in the cubs.

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